The twilight hour – Deep Night – Dawn
…Is concerned exclusively with the perception of light in the darkness, with warmth and the cold.
Darkness combined with movement enables undreamt-of associations. The element melt into one, earth becomes water, air becomes fire.
The night in the reflection of light bulbs, exiled darkness, which you nevertheless search for beyond the sea of lights. In the nights of New York, Oslo, Tokyo, Vienna, Paris and Rome. Or on ocean liners amongts the expanse of the ocean.
The focus is on the element, the “Elements” and the elementary in the line of vision and perception. The specific becomes the abstract.
Moments are prolonged, a moment in time becomes a period. Light floods through the lens of the objective for minutes, leaving its trace. That’s all. Each and every observer sees it differently.
Technically, I am searching for a way to approach my ideas by means of infrared and colour-reversal techniques, by means of enlargements or reductions. The medium of photo remains true during each step of the process: my work doesn’t involve any collages, splices or partial changes. Processing is done digitally, yet is set to remain anchored in the tradition of analogue photo processing.
©2008, Böhlau Verlag Ges.m.b.H. & Co. KG, Wien – Köln – Weimar, 118 Pages,
ISBN-10: 3205781899, ISBN-13: 978-320578189
- Photo Editor: Laurie Kratochvil, New York
- Pears as loan of: Vision-of-Pearls, Jutta Schley, München
- Including CD: Songs to Rückert’s Poem „Der Himmel hat eine Träne geweint“, read by Michael Heltau
- Music by: Schumann, Reger amongst others, new compositions by: Bruce Adolphe, Fabio Luisi
- Performed by: Christoph Prégardien, Herbert Lippert, Jane Henschel, Miroslav Dvorsky , Renate Holm and Fabio Luisi